Sunday, February 1, 2015

Tassel and Brooch

I've usually used ~5mm beads to make tassels so far (like in coral, pink and red necklaces). Since the blue beads I'm working on right now doesn't have that size I tried to use smaller sized beads instead. I really like the outcome - beaded strings drape nicely and swing with every movement. In this tassel there are two times more bead chains than the previous ones. These kind of tassels will go to the necklaces I'm planning to make and I also would like to make one in lariat style.
On second photo there is a finished brooch. Beautiful Swarovski crystal in the center in color Siam. Also the small rhinestones are Swarovski.

vintage nailhead beads Swrovski crystal rhinestone Siam 4470 antique Prosser beads Briare trade beads glass pearl rice Japan copper filigree

Siiani olen teinud selliseid ripatseid ~5mm helmestest (näiteks korallivärvi, roosas ja punastes kaelakeedes). Kuna nende siniste helmeste puhul, millega praegu töötan, sellist suurust polnud, siis proovisin kasutada väiksemaid. Tulemus on äge - helmeread drapeeruvad raskelt ja kiiguvad iga liigutuse peale kaasa. Helmekette on siin kaks korda rohkem kui varem. Sellised ripatsid lähevad kaelakeedesse ja plaan on teha üks nn. lasso-tüüpi kaelakee.
Alumisel pildil on ümmargune pross. Keskel on ilus Swarovski kristall Siam värvi. Ka väikesed punased kristallid on Swarovski ehtekivid.

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