Monday, February 23, 2015

Ambrotype Photograph Case

An interesting find from history of photography. I got this box with glass and frame (preserver), but photo itself was already "removed". It's a bit sad that there's no photo but the box looks really nice. It is a (wooden)box covered with leather and beautifully painted with gold. Box has a hook closure and one side has velvet pad with pattern, other for the photo.
I guess it might have been an ambrotype photo (before 1860s), for it seems the glass has been "cleaned" and there is still a bit of dark gray in the corner of the glass. If it was a daguerreotype then there would have been a mat between the glass and silver-coated copper plate. Ambrotype would have photo transferred on the back side of the glass and the mat placed over the glass. And if it were a newer photo type it wouldn't have this kind of case. These cases were meant to protect the photo for glass that was used is fragile. But I'm no expert. I suppose I can keep on guessing...
But it's still quite interesting. I put a patterned paper under the glass for it was a bit sad looking when empty. I purchased it in hope of using it as background when photographing jewelry.

History of Photograpy

Üks huvitav leid fotograafia ajaloost. Sain karbi koos klaasi ja raamiga, kuid pilt oli juba klaasilt "eemaldatud". Natuke kahju, et fotost endast pole jälgegi järele jäänud, kuid karp on ilusti säilinud. Tegu on nahkse kattega (puu)karbiga, millel kuldsed joonistatud kaunistused. Karbil on haak-kinnis ning ühel pool on mustriga sametist padjake, teisel pool foto koht.
Ma arvan, et tegu oli nn ambrotüüpi fotoga (enne 1860), sest tundub, et klaasi on "puhastatud" ja ühes nurgas näha midagi tumehalli. Kui tegu oleks daguerreotüübiga, siis oli klaasi ja hõbetatud vaskplaadi (millele kanti foto) vahel selline paspartuu-moodi asi, ambrotüüp-foto oli aga klaasile kantud ja paspartuu oli klaasi peal. Ja kui tegu oleks uuema fototüübiga, siis poleks tal sellist karpi. Selline karp oli mõeldud kaasaskantava foto kaitsmiseks, et klaas ei saaks kahjustatud. Spetsialist ma ei ole. Paistab, et selle karbi puhul saan vaid oletada...
Aga põnev igal juhul. Ma panin klaasi alla ühe mustrilise lehe, sest tühi klaas oli kuidagi kõle. Ma ostsin selle, et kasutada ehete pildistamisel.

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