Saturday, January 17, 2009


Oh, kui palju poolikuid töid on kogunenud. Lihtsalt masendav. Tihtilugu veedan aega raamatute taga ning neti kaudu uute ehtetarvikute ostmisega, valmis aga saan midagi väga harva... Leidsin ühe kaelakee, mille tegin valmis jaanuari alguses. Ripats valmis vist isegi eelmisel aastal ja jäi siis seisma. Kui kaelakee valmis sain, ununes see jälle. Midagi selles kees oli, mis mulle ei meeldinud, aga mis, seda ma enam ei mäleta ja enam ei leia üles ka. Nii ma tegin sellest täna rida pilte, millest kannatab üles panna ainult kaks.
Kaelakee on tehtud hõbetatud traadist ja komponentidest, kivi pacific opal swarovski ja helmed swarovski kristallist ning pärlmutrist.
Ma mõtlesin vahepeal, et nüüd, kus Värvispekter on läbi, jätkan oma blogi Kuu Värve, mille puhul panin üles iga kuu üht värvi vanemaid ehteid. Pilte on, aga nende kvaliteedi pärast ei tea, kas tasub või mitte. Veel on kuu lõpuni aega ja saan veel selle üle mõelda.

Photobucket Photobucket

There are so many unfinished projects. It's absolutely depressing. I often spend my spare time reading and buying jewelry components through the net, but I rarely finish anything... I found a necklace from the beginning of the January. And I think I made the pendant in the end of the last year and then it waited till I finished the whole necklace. I might have not liked somthing about it but what, I cannot remember and I can't find it now either. So I made a lot of pictures from it and only two reached near the average quality, if even that.
This necklace is made of silverplated components, the faceted stone is pacific opal swarovski navette, beads are mother of pearl and swarovski.
I've been thinking, that now when the Color Spectrum is over I could restart the Color of the Month again, choosing a color for every month and making a image heavy posts of jewellery I made in that color. I think I have enough photos but the the quality of them makes me unsure. There is still some time til this month ends so there time for me to think about it.

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